57º Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical

Dados do Trabalho


Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with covid-19 treated at the Hospital Regional Universitário de Maringá, Paraná, Southern Brazil


Covid-19 is a pandemic infectious disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that spread rapidly and the patients can be hospitalized with respiratory complaints that quickly progressed to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). With the evolution of the infection, it was found that associations with other diseases and risk factors caused worse prognosis and higher mortality.


To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile and identify the factors that contribute to severe disease and worse prognosis in patients with covid-19 treated at a teaching hospital in Maringá.

Material e Métodos

A retrospective study was carried out from March to December 2020 based on the analysis of medical records. Patients with serological diagnosis and/or RT-qPCR positive for covid-19, treated at the Hospital Universitário Regional de Maringá (HUM), located in the city of Maringá, Paraná, were included in the study.

Resultados e Conclusão

Of 332 medical records of patients with SARS analyzed, 115 (34.6%) tested positive for covid-19 and were hospitalized. More than half were male (n=65; 56.5%) and aged between 46 and 65 years (n=32; 49.2%), with an average of 62.8 years. The most reported signs or symptoms at hospital admission were dyspnea (n=83; 72.2%), cough (n=71; 61.7%) and fever (n=37; 32.2%). The mean oxygen saturation was 93.2%. Eighty-five (73.9%) patients reported having one or more comorbidities and the most common were: systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) (n=55; 47.8%), diabetes mellitus (DM) (n=41; 35.5%) and obesity (n=20; 17.4%). Forty-four of 115 patients (38.3%) progressed to severity and went to the ICU, and 36 (81.8%) of them had some comorbidity. Individuals with some comorbidity had a mortality risk about 3 times higher (relative risk, RR = 3.18) compared to individuals without comorbidity (p=0.05). Of the diseases mentioned, obesity was the one that most increased the risk of death (78%; RR=1.78; p=0.02) and individuals older than 66 years also had about a 3-fold increased risk (70%; RR= 2.78; p=0.04). Of the 36 patients who went to the ICU, 22 (61.1%) were discharged and 14 (38.9%) died. At the end of the study period, 90 patients (78.3%) were discharged, 20 (17.4%) died, two (1.7%) were transferred, and three (2.6%) had unknown resolution. The presence of comorbidities and advanced age are associated with a worse clinical outcome and increased mortality in patients with covid-19 at the teaching hospital of Maringá.


Covid-19; coronavirus, coronavirus infection; comorbidities; prognosis.


Eixo 09 | COVID-19


Hevillyn Fernanda Lucas da Silva, Ingrid Giarola Matias Santos, Maria Julia Rossi Mendes, Max Jean Ornelas Toledo