57º Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical




Senior Programme Officer, APCASO

Jeffry Acaba is currently Senior Programme Officer at APCASO and serves as the coordinator for the Asia Pacific Community, Rights, and Gender (APCRG) Platform; the Activists’ Coalition on TB – Asia-Pacific (ACT! AP), and managing projects related to community-led monitoring (CLM) and COVID-19 vaccine advocacy. They are also involved in a number of regional and global coalitions: as a member of the Global Advisory Panel of HIV Justice Network, as a Steering Committee member with the Peoples Vaccine Alliance (PVA) – Asia, and representing Western Pacific as part of the Civil Society Task Force on TB.


Jeff is a gay Filipino migrant living with HIV and a TB survivor and has been advocating for the rights of people living with HIV, key populations, and communities most marginalized since 2006. He completed his Bachelor Degree in Behavioral Sciences from the University of the Philippines, and finished units in Anthropology at the same university as well as Transnational History of Health at the University of Cambridge.


