CDC - ATLANTA EUADr. John Gimnig is a Medical Entomologist with the Division of Parasitic Disease and Malaria of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He has a PhD in Entomology and a Masters in Epidemiology which has allowed him to work across disciplines on research related to the ecology, epidemiology and control of malaria. As a post-doctoral researcher, he began working on mosquitoes and malaria in Kenya in 1997 where he supported a large-scale trial of insecticide treated nets. He moved to Atlanta in 2000 and joined the Malaria Branch of the Division of Parasitic Diseases of Malaria before moving to Entomology Branch in 2005. In 2007, Dr. Gimnig began supporting the US President’s Malaria Initiative as the entomology backstop for Kenya and Malawi. In 2016, he became the entomology backstop for Cambodia. He was assigned as the Lead for the Field Support Team within the CDC Entomology Branch until 2020 when he became the Team Lead for Operational Research. He is currently a co-PI on a trial of spatial repellents and is a co-investigator on trials of attractive also targeted sugar baits and house modification. He supported a recently completed study in Myanmar on topical repellents. In addition to his operational research activities and support for PMI, Dr. Gimnig has served on several WHO Committees including the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme and the Vector Control Technical Expert Group.