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Human Sporotrichosis in Feira de Santana, BA: Risk Factors in Cases Associated with Sick Animals


Human infection with Sporothrix fungi is often originated from cases of infected cats. In these animals, the disease is characterized by ulcers and cutaneous nodules, mainly on the head, and is highly contagious. Thus, direct contact with sick animals can be a route of infection for humans, where lesions are more common on the upper limbs, usually due to scratches from the animals.

Objetivo (s)

This study aimed to determine which characteristics of animal sporotrichosis cases were associated with human cases of the disease.

Material e Métodos

From January 2020 to May 2023, georeferenced epidemiological information was collected for animal sporotrichosis cases treated at the Center for Zoonosis Control (CCZ), including whether there were related human cases. Epidemiological analysis was performed using EpiInfo 7.2, calculating the chi-square statistic and relative risk (RR), and spatial scan analysis using the Bernoulli model to detect clusters of cases in SatScan.

Resultados e Conclusão

During the study period, there were 39 (10.1%; 95% CI: 7.5-13.5) cases of human sporotrichosis associated with animal cases. These cases were associated with cases in young cats (RR=From January 2020 to May 2023, georeferenced epidemiological information was collected for animal sporotrichosis cases treated at the Center for Zoonosis Control (CCZ), including whether there were related human cases. Epidemiological analysis was performed using EpiInfo 7.2, calculating the chi-square statistic and relative risk (RR), and spatial scan analysis using the Bernoulli model to detect clusters of cases in SatScan. 2.3; 95% CI: 1.2-4.2) and in animals not vaccinated against rabies (RR=2.1; 95% CI: 1.0-4.3). If the animal had an owner (RR=2.9; 95% CI: 0.9-9.3), there was a higher frequency of human cases, although not statistically significant. The spatial scan analysis detected an area in the northeastern zone of the city, which from August to November 2022 concentrated seven human cases associated with feline cases, with a relative risk of 11.8 for human cases in this area compared to other parts of the city. This area encompasses peripheral neighborhoods with a medium to high health vulnerability index (HVI), which may indicate an association between socioeconomic indicators and the occurrence of human cases of sporotrichosis.


zoonosis, Sporothrix


thanks to Feira de Santana Zoonosis Control Center


Eixo 12 | Infecções causadas por fungos


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Mirza Carvalho Santana Cordeiro, Joelande Esquivel Correia, Pryscylla Marcelly Oliveira Nascimento, Vivian Samille Ferreira Firmo, Cleide Carneiro Oliveira, Aristeu Vieira Silva