Dados do Trabalho


High risk of transmission and frequency of larvae and eggs of geohelminths in soil of public squares and parks of Recife- PE, 2023


The soil is fundamental for the continuity of the biological cycle and transmission of geohelminths, in addition to the maintenance of parasitic infections that compromise human health - especially hookworm, strongyloidiasis and cutaneous and visceral larva migrans.

Objetivo (s)

We aimed to evaluate the frequency of contamination by parasites in the soil of squares and parks in Recife-PE, 2023.

Material e Métodos

The study is part of the activity plan of the Tutorial Education Program in Parasitology (PET-Parasitologia/UFPE) and was carried out between January - February 2023 through the collection of soil samples from four parks and two selected squares, considering the location, high frequency of visitation and recreation of the general public, especially children and the elderly, in addition to being a space for sports. Samples (n = 10 per park or square, each sample about 50g) were collected with a sterile, disposable plastic spatula that was introduced at a 45° angle until it reached a depth of about 10 cm. The samples were transferred to plastic bags (NascoWhril - Pak®), transported in an isothermal box and then processed by the modified Rugai technique. From each sample, 4 slides were mounted and evaluated under an optical microscope. The time between collection and processing did not exceed 2 hours.

Resultados e Conclusão

In Dona Lindu and Lagoa do Araçá Parks, the frequency was 100% for larvae of Ancylostoma spp. and Strongyloides spp., plus 40% for eggs of Toxocara spp. In Elvira Souza Square we also saw Toxocara spp eggs. in 30% of the samples, in addition to 60% and 40% for larvae of Ancylostoma spp. and Strongyloides spp., respectively. Larvae of Ancylostoma spp. and Strongyloides spp. presented a frequency of 50 and 70%, respectively in Parque da Jaqueira. In Parque 13 de Maio the frequency was 90% for larvae of Ancylostoma spp. and Strongyloides spp. The Derby square presented contamination of 100% and 70% for Ancylostoma spp. and Strongyloides spp. We highlight the visualization of eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and/or Enterobius vermicularis in samples from four evaluated sites. In all squares and parks, larvae of Ancylostoma spp., Strongyloides spp. and/or geohelminth eggs were isolated. The results highlight the high risk of infection by larvae Ancylostoma sp. and Strongyloides spp.


soil, geohelminths, zoonoses, hookworm, strongyloidiasis.


Ministério da Educação (MEC) e Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - Pró-Reitoria de Graduação (Prograd).


Eixo 07 | Helmintíases


NÃO desejo concorrer ao Prêmio Jovem Pesquisador


Emily Gabriele Marques Diniz , Doralice Conceição da Paz Neta, Ester dos Santos Gomes, Rutyelle Moreira de Melo Sousa, Mariana Santana Queires, Nayara dos Santos Araújo, Barbara Lacerda Carvalho, Isabela Marques de Lima, Igor Marley Pereira de Andrade, Wesley Lemos Xavier , André de Lima Aires