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Study of the occurrence and spatial distribution of visceral leishmaniasis in Itaberaba, Brazil from 2012 to 2018


In Brazil, dogs are of great importance in the epidemiology of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) as they are considered the main domestic reservoir for Leishmania infantum parasites. Studies have already shown that the appearance of human cases is preceded by the emergence of the disease in dogs. Within the context of one health, monitoring the occurrence of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) is essential for controlling this zoonosis in both the human and canine populations.

Objetivo (s)

To describe the occurrence and spatial distribution of VL and CanL in the endemic area of Itaberaba from 2012 to 2018.

Material e Métodos

Data from cases of CanL, confirmed by serological protocol were used. The characteristics of human VL cases that occurred in the same period within the geographic limits of the municipality were also evaluated. The addresses of the human and canine cases included were georeferenced. A descriptive analysis of the main demographic characteristics found in the affected dogs was carried out, and the occurrence of CanL was evaluated by year and by region/district of the municipality. Spatial analyzes and maps were produced using the free software QGIS. The spatial analysis was carried out on a cartographic basis of the municipal network. Additionally, satellite images from different years of the territory of Itaberaba were acquired to evaluate environmental characteristics, such as the vegetation cover index.

Resultados e Conclusão

According to data from the Health Department of Itaberaba, from 2013 to 2018, there were 7 cases of VL, with the death of one child in 2013. The municipality lacks a zoonosis control center, so the investigations to detect CanL cases are performed only on spontaneous demand from the population or in the presence of sick dogs. At this point, we evaluated 3255 reports from 2012 to 2018. CanL occurrence presented an average of 35,2% (1145/3255) per year, ranging from 19.2% (70/365) in 2012 to 45.6% (110/241) in 2016. This is the first official report regarding the occurrence of CanL in Itaberaba.
The systematic evaluation of reported cases in the municipality may provide important information about the areas of greatest risk, determining which environmental characteristics may be influencing the occurrence of this zoonosis. The results of this project may directly influence the implementation of public policies to control CanL in the region, which may indirectly reduce the incidence of human disease.


Dog, georeferencing, zoonotic leishmaniosis, One Health, zoonosis.




Eixo 06 | Protozooses


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Anna Victoria Barbosa Bomfim, Deiseane de Jesus Nobre, Aline Barros Negrão Oliveira, Deborah Bittencourt Mothé Fraga, Flaviane Alves de Pinho, Manuela da Silva Solcà