Dados do Trabalho




Intestinal parasites are responsible for a significant amount of disease and mortality worldwide. In developing countries, intestinal parasites are a serious public health problem. Intestinal parasite infections are one of the most common diseases in the world. They are often linked to poor personal and environmental cleanliness, as well as poor drinking water quality. Case reports of carriers of the Urbanorum spp. have been observed in Peru since 1994, in Brazil the first case report occurred in 2017, in the city of Buriti, Maranhão. Due to the low number of existing notifications, this work aims to register the first case of Urbanorum spp. in the State of Amazonas, Brazil.

Relato do Caso

A male patient, 45 years old, from Carauari - AM, was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis due to the hepatitis B and D viruses, severe terminal liver disease, associated with progression to hepatocellular carcinoma, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, and upper digestive hemorrhage, followed up in the Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas (FMT-HVD) medical outpatient clinic since 2010, in Manaus-AM. A fecal parasitological examination was carried out using the direct examination method, spontaneous sedimentation, Rugai, and Kato-Katz, according to pre-established protocols and examination under optical microscopy. The stool sample did not show mucus, blood, or other abnormalities. Eggs of the helminth Ancylostoma sp. were identified and structures of yellowish color, round in shape, and with several filaments similar to pseudopods were observed.


Previous case reports and morphological parasite analysis, confirmed to be the protozoan Urbanorum spp. The parasites were identified at the FMT-HVD Parasitology Management. The patient denies having traveled in the last 12 months, which suggests that the contamination was autochthonous. Albendazole and secnidazole were indicated, in single doses and repeated after 10 days. The patient, after treatment, felt relief from the symptoms and repeated the fecal parasitological examination after 10 days, which revealed the absence of parasites. This study reports the first case of the infection in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, therefore, it should serve as a source for research and construction of knowledge about the parasite in different regions of the country.


We would like to thank the Parasitology Management and the Medical Outpatient Clinic of Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado Tropical Medicine Foundation, Manaus - AM, Brazil.


Eixo 06 | Protozooses


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Marilaine Martins, Paulo Luís da Costa Ferreira, Rodrigo Barros Martins, Marco Antônio Sabóia Moura, Lisele Maria Brasileiro-Martins