Dados do Trabalho
Monitoring of Aedes aegypti in Senhor do Bonfim (BA) using the Pneutrap 3D ovitrap
Senhor do Bonfim is a municipality in the central-north region of Bahia, 375 km from Salvador, which faces rates of building infestation by Aedes aegypti that characterize the risk of epidemics by arboviruses from medium to high. The search for new methods and equipment that allow carrying out safe assessments of the degree of mosquito infestations, as well as offering flexibility in the methodology for application in different local contexts, is what drives the search for disruptive and safe solutions in the evaluation and control of mosquito infestations and consequent prevention of the occurrence of arboviruses.
Objetivo (s)
This work aimed to describe the application of the Pneutrap 3D ovitrap in the evaluation of infestations by Aedes aegypti in Senhor do Bonfim, BA.
Material e Métodos
The study was carried out with 50 agents, divided into 10 teams, who installed 100 PNEUTRAP 3D traps in a neighborhood with 457 properties with medium to high risk of outbreaks and epidemics, in a ratio of one trap for every five properties. The geolocation of the traps was performed using the Mosquito Zero application. Community awareness and engagement were stimulated by affixing a sticker containing the project's slogan to each home. The collection of reinspection of the traps was carried out at intervals of 10 to 15 days, during the months of March to May. This frequency was chosen taking into account the daily demands of the vector control carried out by the agents. During the inspections, larvae were collected in the traps, which were sent to the DIRES laboratory for positivity assessment, that is, to identify the presence of vector larvae.
Resultados e Conclusão
In the four collections carried out between March and May 2023, a total of 163 samples (inspected traps) were obtained, of which 157 (96.3%; 95%CI: 92.2-98.3) contained eggs and larvae of Aedes, ranging from 93.2 to 100% of positive traps. Regular inspections and the structure of the traps were important so that they did not become outbreaks of proliferation. It emphasizes the importance of applying vector control strategies in risk areas, by combining monitoring techniques, training professionals and community engagement, making it possible to adopt more effective approaches in vector control and prevention of outbreaks and epidemics by arboviruses .
Aedes aegypti; Mosquito Trap; Vector Monitoring; Vector Surveillance; Entomology
Eixo 04 | Entomologia / Controle de Vetores
Concorrer ao Prêmio Jovem Pesquisador - Graduado
Ellen Monteiro Ribeiro Santos, Laércio Muniz de Azevedo Júnior, Everton Renê Nascimento Oliveira, Alex Sandro Pereira Correia, Rosana Pereira Correia, Glauber Almeida do Nascimento Silva, Renata Mercês Maia, Rafael Costa da Silva, Matheus Oliveira de Melo, Aristeu Vieira da Silva