Dados do Trabalho


Measles epidemiological trends in Bahia: sociodemographic analysis and spatial distribution


Measles, a highly contagious acute exanthematic disease, was eradicated from Brazil in 2016. However, as of 2018, several states in the country have registered new cases. In the following year, 2019, Bahia declared an outbreak state, initially affecting 20 municipalities

Objetivo (s)

In this context, the present study evaluated the sociodemographic characteristics associated with confirmed measles cases in the state between 2000 and 2020, in addition to the spatial and temporal distribution of incidence

Material e Métodos

The data on the measles notification form were obtained from the Epidemiological Surveillance Board (DIVEP) of the Bahia State Health Secretariat (SESAB). The association between a confirmed case of measles and the epidemiological variables was initially verified using Pearson's chi-square test and then using logistic regression analysis. Spatial analysis was performed using the QGIS program and by applying the spatial autocorrelation statistics by the Moran Local Index using the GeoDa program.

Resultados e Conclusão

As a result, the occurrence of 0.70% (n=160) of confirmed measles cases was observed in 10 years of study. In 2004, and between 2008 and 2017, no cases were registered. In the time series evaluated, the year 2019 had the highest number of municipalities (24) that registered cases of the disease. Incidences ranged from 0.04/100,000 inhabitants to 138.40/100,000 inhabitants in the municipalities, with cases recorded in 56 municipalities during the study period. The municipalities of Filadélfia and João Dourado stood out among the others for registering in 2006 the highest incidences of 138.40/100,000 inhab. and 95.81/100,000 inhab. respectively. The logistic regression models demonstrated significance for the variables female gender, age group and vaccination. Regarding the age group, there is a considerable number of cases among young people and young adults. Measles did not show a pattern of temporal or spatial recurrence in the municipalities of the state. In addition, the data indicate weaknesses in measles surveillance in the State of Bahia.


Measles; Spatial Analysis; Descriptive Statistics; Surveillance Epidemiological


The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for granting the master's scholarship; the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) and the Graduate Program in Modeling in Earth and Environmental Sciences (PPGM) for supporting the development of the research.


Eixo 10 | Outras infecções causadas por vírus


Concorrer ao Prêmio Jovem Pesquisador - Mestrado


Ellen Monteiro Ribeiro Santos, Aristeu Vieira da Silva