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The spatiotemporal distribution of animal species involved in injuries to humans in Feira de Santana, Bahia (2008-2020)


Pets, herbivorous, and wild animals can cause scratches and bites to humans, facilitating the transmission of zoonotic diseases. Some diseases may be associated with the social and economic conditions in which affected individuals are inserted. Social factors can function as facilitators or obstacles to the spread of zoonotic agents, like rabies virus, in a particular area.

Objetivo (s)

The objective of this study is to spatially and temporally analyze the records of human injuries caused by animals from the a national database (SINAN), according to the species group, and correlate them with the Human Development Index (HDI) and Health Vulnerability Index (HVI) in the municipality of Feira de Santana, Bahia, from 2008 to 2020.

Material e Métodos

The geographic location of animal injuries by neighborhood and species group was obtained from SINAN data. Thus, the species were grouped, and the data on HDI and unweighted HVI were obtained from the 2010 Census, calculated for each neighborhood. The spatiotemporal relationship between the absolute frequencies of injuries by species group was verified between the years using the Moran's I differential coefficient.

Resultados e Conclusão

During the study period, 25,576 people were attacked by animals, of which 97.66% were reported after carnivore attacks. Among carnivorous animals, dogs were the most aggressive species, representing 82.69% of cases, followed by cats with 14.85%, herbivores with 0.47%, and wild animals with 1.78% of notifications. The neighborhoods of Tomba, Campo Limpo, Mangabeira, and Muchila had the highest number of notifications. It was possible to observe that peripheral areas (rural districts) had low HDI and high HVI compared to urban central areas, reflecting less favorable living conditions that may result in a population more prone to exposure to injuries and the circulation of pathogens, including the rabies virus.It is concluded that there is social inequality, and these regions deserve attention due to the lack of information regarding rabies transmission and the lethality of the disease. It is necessary to emphasize to the population of these regions the precautions to be taken in the control of these animals.


Socioeconomic indices; HDI; HVI; injuries to humans; health inequality.


I would like to thank FAPESB for granting the scholarship, and also the State University of Feira de Santana and the Graduate Program in Modeling in Earth and Environmental Sciences (PPGM) for their support.


Eixo 14 | Outro


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Priscylla Marcelly Vilanova Oliveira do Nascimento, Aristeu Vieira da Silva