Dados do Trabalho


Evaluation of a multiplex panel for diagnosis of congenital and perinatal infections


The development of a multiparametric assay, capable of detecting antibody levels for SToRCH-Z infections, with a minimal amount of blood sample, is necessary.

Objetivo (s)

This work aims to develop a multiparametric assay based on magnetic microspheres, capable of detecting antibody levels (IgG and IgM) against congenital and perinatal infections, such as syphilis, HIV, and toxoplasmosis, among others, with a minimal amount of blood sample.

Material e Métodos

A total of 112 sera samples from pregnant women and international panels for eight SToRCH-Z were analyzed after optimization of the multiparametric assay. Evaluation of the antigen’s concentration used in the coupling to the magnectic beads was performed separately for each SToRCH-Z infection. According by the manufacturer’s instructions, the buffer (MES, PBS and NaHCO3) and conjugate (1:1000) and samples dilutions (1:200) were determinate from the highest ratio (HCV antigen=107) between the results of the positive and negative controls. Due to the prevalence of approximately 99% of CMV in Brazil, varying from 80 to 99% in the world, it was necessary to perform IgM research for CMV. We selected 23 samples, 15 from pregnant women and 8 from the international panel for CMV and IgM research was performed, being considered positive the samples that presented MFI higher than 200 according to the determined cutoff.

Resultados e Conclusão

The standardization of the test for the detection of antibodies for eight of the microorganisms responsible for SToRCH-Z infections combined, was carried out with satisfactory preliminary results, without interference between the antigens, presenting similar results to the conventional single tests (Rubella p=0,0057, CMV p=0,4857, Syphilis p=0,6857, HBc p=0,8857, Zikavirus p=0,8955, Toxoplasmosis p=0,8411, HCV p=0,926 and HIV p=0,6677) .The preliminary results obtained by multiparametric assay were compared with standard methodology and were satisfactory (95%) for the detection of IgG antibodies against the analyzed diseases.The specific IgM antibodies were found to be positive in 15 sera samples (65%) for CMV indicating a recent infection. Multiparametric assay based on magnetic microspheres could be used routinely screened for the SToRCH-Z infections, and permit for carrying out early interventions to prevent fetal loss in maternal and child reference units.


SToRCH-Z infections, prenatal treatment, multiparametric assay




Eixo 02 | Tecnologia e Inovação em saúde


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Marcelle Bral Mello, Carlos Otavio Alves Vianna, Leila Botelho Rodrigues da Silva, Bernardo Oliveira Loureiro, Christiane de Fátima Silva Marques, Zilton Farias Meira Vasconcelos, Leonardo Henrique Ferreira Gomes, Antonio Gomes Pinto Ferreira Gomes Pinto Ferreira, Edimilson Domingos da Silva Domingos Silva, Ana Paula dos Santos